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Maestro Dobel Humito Tequila 70cl

  • £59.40
- 0%
The world’s first smoked tequila. The agaves are cooked in traditional masonry ovens for three days. It doesn’t require maturing in barrels but undergoes a special smoking process. Our expert tequila distiller looked to replicate the taste of tequila from the 17th century by using mesquite wood in the production process
    40% ABV Size: 70cl

    COLOUR: White, crystal bright, with silver and grey shades
    AROMA: As primary notes perceive the smokiness of fine woods, highlights the oak over all . There is a cluster of smokey notes to round off the flavour

    TASTE: In the background we see the essence of the Master Tequilero Silver; sweet, caramel, honey, maple, walnut, vanilla with an indescribable softness
    SIP: Pleasant feeling velvety soft and silky mouth end Feeling
    slightly smoky aftertaste and woodsy A gentle smoky


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