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Maestro Dobel Anejo Tequila 70cl

  • £67.60
- 0%

Single estate, 100% agave tequila aged in fire-charred American new oak barrels for at least 18 months. The white oak adds sweet, nutty, vanilla flavours. A touch of smokiness. The ageing adds agave and fruit complexity and depth. 

Our Maestro Tequilero then hand-selects different vintages from different phases of the aging process, exclusive to Maestro Dobel tequilas, to add a sensational smoothness. 

    40% ABV Size: 70cl

    COLOUR: Dark amber with bright golden, coppery tones

    AROMA: Buttery and fruity scents of pineapple and apple with a slight smokiness from the roasted wood

    TASTE: A satisfying mixture of different sensations including the dominance of wood interspersed with sweet, nutty, vanilla flavours and slight notes of agave and fruitiness. It has an indescribably smooth, long finish

    FINISH: Pleasingly smooth sensation with a light, refreshing finish 

    Anejo Old Fashioned

    60ml Maestro Dobel Anejo

    2 Table Spoons Sugar Syrup

    1-2 Dashes Angostura Bitters

    Orange Slice

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