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Gran Centenario Reposado Tequila 70cl

  • £41.50
- 0%
  • Lazaro Gallardo, a tavern owner and tequila producer, named his specially produced tequila, Gran Centenario® tequila, to commemorate the turn of the century.
  • AWARD-WINNING, FAMILY SECRET. Gran Centenario® tequila remains family owned and is recognised as Mexico’s most award-winning 100% agave tequila for its exceptional quality and taste.
  • SINGLE ESTATE MULTI-AGED TEQUILA. Gran Centenario® tequila is slowly cooked and crafted in small batches using the finest blue agave plants aged up to eight years. Rested in new French Oak barrels for optimum flavour,
    Gran Centenario® tequila is then blended with aged tequila reserves for an exceptionally smooth and rich taste.
  • THE ANGEL OF INDEPENDENCE. The Angel, seen on every label, is a symbol of independence. On September 16, 1910, President Porfirio Diaz inaugurated “El Angel de la Independencia” to celebrate the first centenary of independence from Spain.
  • UNIQUE BOTTLE DESIGN. The Gran Centenario® bottle, made of fluted glass, is inspired by the Art Deco style of design.

38% ABV

Size: 70cl

COLOUR: Gold colour of medium high intensity, with bright yellow shades.
AROMA: Fruity, with light hints of wood, toasted almonds, vanilla and cloves.
FLAVOUR: Wood and roasted almonds with a touch of vanilla.
FINISH: Full bodied and velvety smooth.

The Three Guarantees

50ml Gran Centenario Reposado
15ml Tradicional Silver

15ml Lime Juice

15ml Orange Juice

15ml Cinnamon Syrup

2 dashes Peychauds Bitters



GLASS: Hurricane

GARNISH: Spearmint Sprig with a cinnamon stick and lime wedge

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