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Bushmills 10 Year Old Single Malt Irish Whiskey 70cl - House of Spirits
Bushmills 10 Year Old Single Malt Irish Whiskey 70cl

Bushmills 10 Year Old Single Malt Irish Whiskey 70cl

  • £38.00
- 0%
  • Bushmills Irish Whiskey is crafted with care at The Old Bushmills Distillery in County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
  • Bushmills is the world’s oldest whiskey distillery and is renowned for making award winning, triple distilled, single malt and blended Irish whiskey.
  • Unmatched malt is at the heart of all Bushmills Irish Whiskeys and creates a unique combination of smoothness and richness.
  • Bushmills 10-year-old single malt is an approachable and elegant and Irish whiskey with an exceptionally smooth finish.
  • Bushmills 10-year-old is triple distilled from 100% malted Irish barley. It has a distinctive light and fruity aroma and delivers 10 years of maturation in primarily bourbon barrels.
40% ABV Size: 70cl

Colour: Amber gold.
Nose: Fresh and zesty honey, ripe fruit, vanilla and milk chocolate.
Taste: Soft vanilla, milk chocolate and toasted wood.
Finish: Crisp, clean and gently drying.

    Bushmills 10 Year Old Square

    • 30ml Bushmills 10 YO
    • 20ml V.S. Cognac
    • 20ml Sweet Vermouth
    • 7.5ml Benedictine
    • 2 dashes Angostura Bitters
    • 2 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters
    • Cubed Ice/Ice Block

    1. Stir in Mixing Glass and Strain
    2. Garnish with Orange Peel (sprayed)

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