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Proper Number 12 Apple 70cl

  • £27.20
- 0%
  • Our master distiller and I set out to craft something flavourful that stays true to my roots and where it all began for me in Ireland.
  • Proper Irish Apple is a delicious blend of my award winning and tasty Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey with natural apple flavour.
  • This liquid gold is smooth to the core with a crisp and fresh Irish apple finish.
  • Enjoy it neat, as a shot, over ice or in a cocktail-a proper Irish refreshment!
  • Sláinte!
    35% ABV Size: 70cl

    AROMA: Sweet cider lightly touched with caramel, oak and browned butter.

    COLOUR: Golden Amber.

    FLAVOUR: Cooked apples and honey sweetness balances oak barrels and crisp green peel notes.

    FINISH: Granny Smith apples fade from bright to acidic, mellowing into dark cidery tones of brown sugar and smooth whiskey finish.

    Proper Apple & Lemonade

    50ml Proper 12 Apple
    100ml Lemonade

    1. Fill glass with ice.
    2. Pour Proper No Twelve Apple over ice.
    3. Top with Lemonade.
    4. Lemon Wedge

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