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Maestro Dobel Silver Tequila 70cl - House of Spirits

Maestro Dobel Silver Tequila 70cl

  • £49.10
- 0%
Dobel Silver is distilled in the traditional copper alembic stills, it is double distilled to ensure purity. Silver is a product of this unique process which creates a tequila that is exceptionally smooth and complex in flavour.
    40% ABV Size: 70cl

    COLOUR: Bright white crystalline colour with silver and grey shades
    AROMA: A complex blend of caramel, cooked agave, butter, olive, dried fruits and floral tones with perfect balance

    TASTE: Sweet, caramelized agave, honey, maple, walnut, vanilla with an incredible softness
    SIP: Soft velvety feel and silky finish


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