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Maestro Dobel Diamante Tequila 70cl

  • £54.30
- 0%
Dobel Diamante is the first ever cristalino (clear) multi aged tequila and embodies the rich, oak flavour of the Reposado, Añejo and Extra Añejo tequilas. The crystal clear colour, unique in the Reposado category, is due to the filtration process. This results in a pleasant contrast, a soft yet robust agave flavour giving it a smooth yet light finish.
    40% ABV
    Size: 70cl

    COLOUR: Bright, clear tequila with silver touches
    AROMA: Honey, maple, nutty and fruity notes, touches of cinnamon, almond and a slight hint of smokiness

    TASTE: A complex mix of sweet flavours like caramel, honey, and maple, with nutty and vanilla flavours. The liquid has an indescribable smoothness and a long finish that leaves you wanting more
    SIP: Smooth taste with a light finish

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