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Jose Cuervo Reserva De La Familia Extra Anejo Tequila 70cl - Ana Pellicer Edition - House of Spirits
Jose Cuervo Reserva De La Familia Extra Anejo Tequila 70cl - Ana Pellicer Edition - House of Spirits

Jose Cuervo Reserva De La Familia Extra Anejo Tequila 70cl - Ana Pellicer Edition

  • £165.60
- 0%
  • Jose Cuervo® is the world’s number 1 tequila.
  • In 1795, the King of Spain granted José Antonio de Cuervo the first concession ever to produce Tequila commercially. This singular event marked the birth of Tequila.
  • The Jose Cuervo® recipe and process has been passed down and upheld by a family of entrepreneurs, inventors, and risk-takers. It is no wonder why Jose Cuervo® is the most awarded family of Tequila in history.
  • Only the Estate’s finest up to 8-year-old agaves are hand-selected to make this 100% blue agave Extra Añejo Tequila. It is aged for a minimum of 3 years in the Cuervo family’s private cellar and combined with family reserves as old as 30 years.
  • Each year since 1995, Reserva de la Familia has partnered with a renowned Mexican artist to create a new Extra Anejo Artist Box. This year, we are proud to partner with celebrated Mexican sculptor, goldsmith, and leatherer Ana Pellicer. The custom-designed artwork, titled “Insatiable Transparencies of a Historic Landscape,” brings to life the iconic landscape of Tequila, Mexico

38% ABV Size: 70cl

COLOUR: Dark amber hue.

AROMA: Oak, almonds, apples, olives and cinnamon.

FINISH: Long and silky.

    Neat on the rocks



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