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TINCUP American Whiskey 70cl

TINCUP American Whiskey 70cl

  • £32.80
- 0%
  • TINCUP Whiskey was made in honour of Colorado’s miners and the tin cups from which they drank.
  • Inspired by the mountains, TINCUP® is a blend of two great American whiskeys. High-Rye Bourbon, distilled and aged in Indiana, is blended with Colorado single malt whiskey and then cut with pure Rocky Mountain water.
  • The high rye content is perfect for cocktails and a favourite for bartenders.
  • Aged in new charred white oak American barrels.
  • The tin cup cap can be used for drinking whiskey and sharing with friends.

42% ABV Size: 70cl

Aroma: Spirits with oak.
Colour: Clear brown.
Finish: Oak, vanilla spirits.



150ml Ginger Ale

Lemon or Lime Wedge

1. Fill glass with ice, add TINCUP and ginger ale.

2. Garnish with Lemon or Lime wedge.

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