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1800 Anejo Tequila 70cl - House of Spirits

1800 Anejo Tequila 70cl

  • £48.60
- 0%

  • 1800® is named after the year in which we first began barrel-ageing tequila.
  • This tequila is crafted using 100% Weber Blue Agave. 1800 Añejois aged in French Oak barrels for a minimum of 14 months.
  • Agaves grown in the Highlands of Jalisco.
  • The iconic bottle is reminiscent of the centuries old-Mayan stone pyramids and the words on the label’s crest reflect how 1800 ® has always remained true to its value of trabajo, passion, honestidad-or work, passion and honesty.
  • This deep, luxurious 100% agave tequila is ideal for sipping or in classic cocktails with a twist.



38% ABV


Colour: Bright honey
Aroma: Agave, herbaceous oak, orange peel, smooth vanilla, butterscotch.
Flavour: Slightly sweet with buttery oak, mild agave notes, smooth.
Finish: Well rounded, velvet nuance.

1800 Anejo Manhattan
50ml 1800 Anejo
25ml Sweet Vermouth
3 dashes of Angostura bitters


1. Stir ingredients together in a mixing glass with ice and strain into a martini or coupette glass.
2. Garnish with orange peel.

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