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1800 Coconut Tequila 70cl - House of Spirits

1800 Coconut Tequila 70cl

  • £35.90
- 0%
  • 1800® is named after the year in which we first began barrel-ageing tequila.
  • 1800® is made from 100% Weber Blue Agave, hand-picked from the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico. The agave plants take eight years to ripen and can only be harvested once.
  • The iconic bottle is reminiscent of the centuries old-Mayan stone pyramids and the words on the label’s crest reflect how 1800® has always remained true to its value of trabajo, passion, honestidad–or work, passion and honesty.
  • 1800® Coconut is our signature 100% agave double distilled 1800® Silver tequila infused with natural, ripe coconut flavour.
35% ABV
  • Colour: Crystal clear with blonde highlights.
  • Aroma: Soft and tropical with sweet agave.
  • Flavour: Smooth and medium bodied with notes of coconut.
  • Finish: Long, subtle sweet coconut in the finish.

Coconut Crusher

50ml 1800 Coconut
Pineapple Juice

1. Fill a glass with ice and 1800 Coconut.
2. Top up with pineapple juice.
3. Garnish with pineapple wedge

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